
Course Overview

Course Overview
The purpose of this qualification is to allow learners to demonstrate an understanding of and competency in the workplace.
Prosp Overview
This course requires a pre-enrolment interview to ensure you have the required IT and literacy skills. Please ring 770-8026 to arrange an appointment.
Prosp Req
You will build a portfolio of evidence to showcase your work and progress. This will be assessed by your tutor. You will be given guided activities to supplement your studies which you can complete at home.
Prosp Assess
The course covers 2 units:
Supporting Business Meetings - in this unit you will learn how to prepare for and hold a business meeting.
Filing skills - in this unit you will learn about filing classification systems in line with relevant legislation.

Prosp Content
We offer a range of qualification and non-qualification courses. Your tutor will help you to decide which course is best for you. We can also refer you to other learning providers and signpost you to a careers adviser from National Careers Service.
Prosp Progression
If course fees are more than £70 you can pay by instalment. See www.oldham.gov.uk/lifelong. We do not give refunds if you withdraw from the course and you will remain liable for any outstanding instalments.
Prosp Fees
2.50 hrs per wk
14 weeks