
Course Overview

Course Overview
This 8 week course aims to increase knowledge and awareness of the Prevent Duty and Safeguarding for those working in an environment where they have a duty of care.
Prosp Overview
You will need to be working at Level 2 in English Skills to meet the demands of the course, have a good degree of ICT skills and access to remote learning platforms such as TEAMS/Zoom/E-assessor/Moodle/ (Lifelong Learning’s virtual learning platform).
Prosp Req
You will be required to complete assignments on-line which will be reviewed by your tutor to ensure all performance criteria have been met. There are no exams, certification is gained through completion of assignments to the required standard.
Please note you will be required to adhere to strict deadlines.
Prosp Assess
The course is made up of 3 mandatory units: -
• Unit 01 Understanding the Prevent Duty
• Unit 02 Understanding safeguarding
• Unit 03 Understanding online safety
Prosp Content
Oldham Lifelong Learning Service offers a range of complementary courses with and without a qualification, to support your training and future development.

Your tutor will discuss your next steps with you and you will have access to a Careers Adviser from National Careers Service.
Prosp Progression
2.00 hrs per wk
8 weeks