
Course Overview

Course Overview
This course is for people who have an interest in digital photography, wish to learn new skills and build on existing techniques to achieve creative, individualised images.
Prosp Overview
Prosp Req
This course is not formally assessed. The tutor will give feedback during the sessions about your progress within the subject.
Prosp Assess
• Write a list to define photography
• Demonstrate how to hold the camera correctly.
• Identify the photography triangle.
• Demonstrate how to use focusing.
• Discuss and demonstrate the correct use of ISO.
• Discuss and demonstrate the correct use of aperture.
• Identify when to use shutter speed.
• Discuss and demonstrate Composition.
• Edit at least 1 photo using a mobile device.

Please note that you will need to provide your own mobile device.
Prosp Content
Explore our other art and craft workshops and courses which will develop your artistic and creative talents.
Your tutor will provide information, advice, and guidance regarding your next steps with you.
Prosp Progression
2.00 hrs per wk
5 weeks